Barbados Snorkeling Adventure

Want to guarantee you will never forget your Barbados
snorkeling experience?
Challenge yourself and try something you've never done before.
I did just that and ended up on a Catamaran tour snorkeling with turtles! Why was this a challenge for me?
Barbados Catamaran tour
With several snorkeling tours to choose from I first set out to narrow down the field.One name kept coming up: Cool Runnings Catamaran. Let's check them out together.
Snorkeling in Barbados
Plus it wasn't super packed with people like I expected. Turns out Cool Runnings only sails at half capacity. When the dancing starts you'll have plenty of room ;)
You have to love their crew!!! Friendly, outgoing, and fun. They were great with the children on board as well. They splashed around in the water with them and kept everyone entertained.

Cool Runnings Crew
I had nothing to worry about!
Also turns out you can learn to snorkel pretty quickly if you have someone to show you properly!
I can't praise their crew enough. They came around and chatted with everyone, cracked jokes, and kept the cruise lively and fun.
Our first snorkeling stop.......
Snorkeling with the sea turtles at Paynes Bay

Guy feeding turtle by hand
Next stop was Folkstone Park.
Snorkeling over a shipwreck at Folkstone

Snorkeling with tropical fish in Barbados
Bring an underwater camera!
Then lunch. They anchor in a quiet bay and serve a wonderful buffet on board. The food will surprise you. Their chef used to be a cook on a cruise ship.

Tasty Buffet served with white wine

Getting the life vests ready
View from the Catamaran in Barbados

Barbados shoreline
Heading to Folkstone Park

St. James
View of the Catamaran, Barbados

Cool Runnings Catamaran
Turquoise water in the Barbados Sea

An amazing day!

Cool Runnings crew
Captain Robert and his wife Annika run a great outfit.
Small groups and a fun crew make this adventure a must.
The "eco-marine" slant made the trip even more unique.
Barbados Sailing details
5 Hour Snorkel Lunch Cruise Duration: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm daily.Sunset Cruise: more laid back (Wednesdays only) 3:00pm to 7:00pm
Open bar: Rum, rum punch, beer, vodka, gin, juice, soft drinks & water. White wine served with lunch/dinner.
Bajan Buffet: Full buffet meal served on both cruises.
Transportation: To and from your hotel. (See drinks above) :-)
Snorkeling Gear: They provide everything.
Wow Factor: There were a number of people on our trip that were repeat visitors or had been referred by friends- the best signs of a quality experience. An amazing adventure that stimulates all 5 senses. Enjoy your Barbados snorkeling adventure!
I have to thank everyone that answered my emails and calls and recommended this Barbados snorkeling cruise. Even if you're a little wary of the sea (like I am) Captain Robert and the guys will take great care of you and show you the best spots.
Private charters are available at special rates as well. Simply drop them an email below.....
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